
インターン選考体験記 Global internship@Bosch

  • 18卒
  • インターン参加

ボッシュ(BOSCH)の18卒インターン選考 (Global internship@Bosch)について、実際にインターン参加した方のエントリーシート(ES)をご紹介。


卒業年度 18卒
選考フェーズ インターン参加


企業名 ボッシュ(BOSCH)
応募職種 Global internship@Bosch



設問 What motivated you to apply for the program?
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回答 When I was a child, I saw Formula1 race with my father. That is why I become interested in automobiles. Now, I am researching in controlling engine at university. I want to work in the automobile industry through developing engine control unit in the future. I am strongly fascinated by your company’s high technology and globalization. I am eager to know for myself what a global company is like or what it is like to work abroad. When I was just thinking such, I found your Global Internship program and immediately decided to apply for it. I desire to find how I can become an engineer who is successful throughout the world. A proverb says, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”


設問 What do you want to do/experience, how do you want to develop yourself?
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回答 Through the Global Internship program, I want to learn a difference between the research at university and that at the leading industry. I want to experience a life abroad and live under a cross-cultural environment. I would also like to see things objectively from a different point of view. In order to grow myself as a global person, I intend to work abroad and challenge severe tasks. I highly appreciate your high level safety and environmental performance products featured by your engine control unit and piezo type fuel injection device and so on. I desire to learn why your company can make such great products ahead of times.


設問 How do you see yourself, want to be in the future? What’s the image of your career path?
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回答 I have spent a lot of time riding a motorbike or driving a car to go anywhere. I felt a great joy. It had a great effect on my life. Now, I think it is my turn to get someone to have the same experience. I would like to be a person who can see things by itself by getting motivation from surroundings and provide other people with good influences. I would also like to work at a company that makes eco-friendly cars for the future of the earth such as clean diesel vehicles, human-friendly cars like an autonomous car and so on. I will build up my career aiming to manufacture prominent products by my own unique feelings. And then, I want to be an engineer who is successful in the world.










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